Sunday, December 2, 2007

#23 - The end

Talk about the 11th hour!
I've watched, I've listened and and I HAVE learned. I've blogged and Flickr'd. I have downloaded, uploaded and I'm sure somewhere along the way sideloaded. And it has all been worth it!

I wish I had given myself more time (my own fault - as per habit 2 of Life Long Learning - take responsibility for your own learning)to spend on some of the exercises and delve more deeply into the 2.0 world. This has been a great experience and opportunuity. One which certainly does not end here. In fact, it is just the beginning...

#22 Audio Books

After many years of talk and trials, the ebooks are coming into their own. Audiobooks have changed over the years, and this is just another of those changes. Whilst ebooks will potentially provide a greater range and access, we still need to be mindful of the users and the equipment they have to be able to play and hear the books. As per other posts, ebooks are something I can download to my iPod and listen to whilst walking. So may titles...hope I have the time to listen.

#21 - Podcasts

The brilliance of a podcast is that you can listen to it, and be doing something else at the same time rather than staring at the PC. For library and learning environments podcasts are fantastic as many people are auditory learners rather than visual.
I have an iPod (and I LOVE IT), and whilst it only has music on it at the moment, I now plan to download podcasts so I can catch up with news, commentries etc whilst I am walking.

#20 - YouTube

A couple of minutes spare - quick look on YouTube. I don't think so! One video leads to another, then another, then... Very easy for time to go by without realising it. It's a brilliant tool with some great stuff, but there is also some absolute trash which unfortunately you have to sift through it. This hasn"t put me off it though.

Here is a video from YouTube - It could be the opening theme for the ABC's The Librarians".

#19 Web 2.0 Awards

41 Categories - 3 winners in each. Thousands of entrants... A useful site for narrowing down sites to find some of the better sites within a specific category. I now know that besides Flickr, there is also picasa and picnic which rate highly.

#18 Web based apps

Having difficulty in posting my document from Zoho Writer to my blog. I'm following all of the instructions, but it keeps insiting that it does not recognise the blog. Oh well, haven't got time to fluff around with it any more.
The online applications have great potential for document sharing and editing. Until we have an intranet this is a fantastic resource for electronic rostering etc so that all who need or want access outside of work can have it.

#17 - PB Wiki

Blonde Xer is on as a favourite. When I have more time I intend to read some more of the favourite books, vacation spots, wine...

#16 Wiki

The concept of a one-stop collaborative provision of knowledge, skills, advice and ideas is great. An organised approached is a librarians dream. However, as with any website, content and editorial control raise issues and concerns. The owners/creators of the wikis will need to be on the ball.

A useful (the working group think so) wiki for helping to overcome the potential future staffing shortage is Promoting Library Careers wiki.
This has been created to provide information and encourage year 10-12 students to consider a career in libraries - the things you can do and places you go.

#15 Library 2.0 and Web 2.0

The door has been opened and the light is shining - there is no going back. This has been such a positive change and move forward for libraries. Going through the exercises to date, it has certainly made me sit up and take notice. I do not want to sit back and see it pass me by. I want to be part of the (r)evolution!
I enjoyed the Michael Wesch video on YouTube. The frame with "does not define the form, it defines the content" is of paricular relevance to the Learning 2.0 course. Another good video by Michael Wesch is Information R/evolution.

The OCLC artricles were very interesting and thought provoking. I have included below some quotes from the articles which in I liked. They challenge us take a look at our profession in this new emerging and evolving environment of 2.0

Into a new world of librarianship
"the library is a social and emotionally engaging center for learning and experience".

Away for the "icebergs"
"As a Web 2.0 reality continues to emerge and develop, our patrons will expect access to everything - digital collections of journals, books, blogs, podcasts etc." - (and why shouldn't they? - they are reason for existence)
"We need to focus our efforts not on teaching research skills but on eliminating the barriers that exist between the patron and information they need... But if our services can't be used without training, then it's the services that need to be fixed - not our patrons"

Saturday, December 1, 2007

#14 Technorati

The video wouldn"t download, but that's not a problem. I got the gist from the Technorati weblog and the Learing 2.0 notes. I did a search for BlondeXer, and yes, it is part of Technorati - although there were no fans, yet... Blogging has opened up a whole new world for millions of people, as is evident from the Technorati figures. Say what you want, when you want, about what you want. A huge expansion on the 15 minutes of fame!
I've referred to blogs in the past for travel information, but have just used google. I will now use Technorati as it narrows down the request to blogs without the other guff>


Using, I was able to see that as of 2/12/07, 14,241 people have saved LibraryThing as a bookmark. Whilst also being a social bookmarking tool, it could be used as an evaluation tool. If a alot of people are saving a particular site, it demonstrating that it is popular and/or useful, although the two things do not go hand in hand.
I like that tagging is not restricted by rules in the way standard cataloguing is. It allows for use of common terms to make searching easier - which should be the ultimate aim.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

#12 Rollyo

Not at all excited by this one. However, have saved it as part of my blog for future use.

#11 LibraryThing

LibraryThing: just what every aspiring cataloguer wants for Christmas. I like the concept, and think I will probably use it.

Not as excited by this as I am about Flickr or the online image generator.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

#10 - Online image generator

Well, week 10. Finally into double figures. The image generator is really cool. I like the ease in which it can be used. The possibilites are endless - as I am continually discovering on this 2.0 journey. In an effort to change our image, I created the following supporter.

#9 - News feeds

I really do like RSS and News feeds. In addition to last weeks RSS Feeds, through I have subsribed to news links about libraries and librarians.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Too Many RSS Feeds! on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Too Many RSS Feeds! on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Following on from my last post, I found this on Flickr

#8 - RSS Feeds

I think RSS Feeds may become my new best friend - the latest information and gossip always at hand - what more could a BlondeXer ask for? It is a step-up from "My Favourites" file. Hopefully in my excitement of all the possibilites, I have not over subscribed, could be information overload...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

#7 Technology

Technology -
Was life really simpler without it? Many of us may grumble about technology, but where would we be without it? It has opened up worlds and possibilities that 10 years ago, 5 years ago, even 1 year ago, we would not have thought possible.
For me, my PC, laptop and Blackberry are just part of everyday life. And I love my Ipod and never want to be parted from it, its just so very good for when you can't get to sleep in foreign lands.
I think though, if I had to pick one piece of technology to take to a desert island, it would be the digital camera. As the saying goes, a picture tells a thousand words, so no need for the PC or laptop (I could write in the sand) and I'd kiss my Blackberry goodbye as it sinks into the clear turquoise waters - because who said I wanted to be found...

#6 Flickr Fun

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas and I am no where near finished the 23 things! Oh well, like Christmas shopping, it will all be finished in the "Nick" of time!
I'm still really enjoying looking at the photos on Flickr. Some of the photos are absolutely stunning whilst others are just plain weird. I'm quite intrigued by FD Toys and the BigHugeLabs site - especially the link to Warholizer. I experimented with two photos, but the originals obviously did not have the right lighting.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My cat Ling

My cat Ling
Originally uploaded by Blonde Xer
Testing Flickr
#5 - Flickr

Had a quick look around Flickr. There are some great photos. I could waste a lot of time just looking at what is there. I liked the one with the tag Blonde Librarian. It was a 1950s advert for a microfilm machine. My how things have changed - and I definately do not look like that.
My next attempt will be to add the photo to my blog

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

#4 Lift Off!

After much effort and assistance, we finally have lift-off.