Sunday, December 2, 2007

#15 Library 2.0 and Web 2.0

The door has been opened and the light is shining - there is no going back. This has been such a positive change and move forward for libraries. Going through the exercises to date, it has certainly made me sit up and take notice. I do not want to sit back and see it pass me by. I want to be part of the (r)evolution!
I enjoyed the Michael Wesch video on YouTube. The frame with "does not define the form, it defines the content" is of paricular relevance to the Learning 2.0 course. Another good video by Michael Wesch is Information R/evolution.

The OCLC artricles were very interesting and thought provoking. I have included below some quotes from the articles which in I liked. They challenge us take a look at our profession in this new emerging and evolving environment of 2.0

Into a new world of librarianship
"the library is a social and emotionally engaging center for learning and experience".

Away for the "icebergs"
"As a Web 2.0 reality continues to emerge and develop, our patrons will expect access to everything - digital collections of journals, books, blogs, podcasts etc." - (and why shouldn't they? - they are reason for existence)
"We need to focus our efforts not on teaching research skills but on eliminating the barriers that exist between the patron and information they need... But if our services can't be used without training, then it's the services that need to be fixed - not our patrons"

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